5 reasons to enjoy wednesday

hi and hello

wednesday is to tell about me stuff day, trips or family stuff, or just show some photos. today will share 5 tin the blog. each photo i have has a story attached in some way and its fun to look back at them. a neighbor went around the cities finding street signs to photo, found a sara one and a kenneth one, went all the way to el monte for the toni one. perhaps there is a street for just about every name but bet not many have a friend/neighbor who would chase after them. a whatchamacallit is not just a candy bar, it is a pretty good one and cathie once of twice had the chance to tell folks about it. whatcha is not as famous as a plain hershey bar but it has a much better name. i do have some horlick coffee cups around waiting for a big event to share with a few people. there are not many folks who have their last name on coffee cup from the 1950s, glad to say i do. the chicken guards the restaurant at knotts berry farm, we go once in a while to the chicken lunch/dinner they offer for seniors, in 2003 it cost $6.50, in 2005 went to $6.75 then $8 in 2007 and now its about $10. we would go before i was a senior as far as knotts was concerned [60 years old]  and toni would get me in at the senior price. we still go once in a while. i still beleive in picking up pennies. find a penny, pick it up and all day you’ll have good luck. i dont pick them up for lucks sake. i just continue to fill some jars with pennies. i dont believe i can ever have enough cents [or sense]. wednesday gives me the chance to share things, photos are among the easiest. whether its a penny or a candy bar the story is worth telling. yup. signed; meken47.

About saysmeken47

i'm me
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