so i found out what skyfall was

hi and hello

after seeing skyfall i agree that this most likely is the best of the james bond movies. skyfall was exciting and did not need a master criminal who wanted to take over the world. it had james bond helping m against a guy named silva who had spent years and years waiting to get even with m. he gets even in the worst or best ways and javier bardem who plays him does a very evil job. i cant spoil it much as i think everyone should see it, but i liked every minute of the movie. everything in the story works, james gets into a few fights, finds his old car, tells his name [bond, james bond], has his fav martini and of course gets the girl. but the story goes beyond all that as the villain silva has only one desire and that is to get m who he blames for his troubles. of course the fact he is a computer genius and can plan some great stuff doesnt mean much to him, its revenge revenge revenge. the movie at well over 2 hours went by fast. daniel craig has become the james bond that matters. skyfall was a great movie and i think i might like to resee it soon. its worth seeing just to learn james folks names. yup. signed: meken47.

About saysmeken47

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1 Response to so i found out what skyfall was

  1. wow, bold words! good stuff, i can’t wait to see it too!!

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